Category Archives: Guest Posts

Tips to Keep Your Goal to Get Healthy Going Strong

So, you are two days shy of the timeline you set to achieve your fitness goal, and you aren’t even close. You’ve lived a lot of life since you made that goal to get fit and healthy. Life is hard. You’re suffering from a lack of motivation, or worse, you’ve fallen off the wagon. Don’t be ashamed. It happens. Continue reading Tips to Keep Your Goal to Get Healthy Going Strong

How to Recognize and Deal with Anxiety Attack

If you’ve ever had to deal with anxiety attacks, you know how debilitating they can be. Having an anxiety attack isn’t just feeling worried. When feelings of dread and worrying thoughts ramped up to the point of causing actual physical changes such as a spike in blood pressure, this is an anxiety attack. Anxiety attacks may be mild or severe and may last for only a few minutes or for days at a time. But whatever form they come in, they can impair your quality of life. Continue reading How to Recognize and Deal with Anxiety Attack

Women lose weight differently than men

When you set goals for healthy living, it’s normal to start out feeling highly motivated and then lose steam. Whether it’s your diet, fitness, emotional well-being, or all of the above, setting big goals with the expectation of significant results sometimes sets us up for failure. The trick is to break down those bigger goals, like weight loss, into small actions you take daily. These small daily choices will help you reach big health goals, and Anne El Bey approves. Continue reading Women lose weight differently than men

Understanding Sleeplessness in Your Senior Years and How to Overcome It


Common sense says if you can’t sleep, your mattress is to blame. Well, yes; however, that is not the only potential saboteur of sleep. There are a few issues you might need to address.

We’ve all been there, and Anne El Bey knows how frustrating it can be to toss and turn all night. Please keep reading for advice on some things you can change to help you get the sleep you deserve; it requires no medication.

Continue reading Understanding Sleeplessness in Your Senior Years and How to Overcome It

Smart Ways to Plan and Finance Your Funeral Arrangements

If you haven’t already done so, now is the time to start thinking about how you will handle your post-life affairs. The idea isn’t meant to sound morbid, but anyone past the age of 50 should start thinking about the life that continues after their death. Life can end in the blink of an eye at any age, but seniors should plan their funeral arrangements and final wishes long before that time comes. Continue reading Smart Ways to Plan and Finance Your Funeral Arrangements

Home Sick: What to Do When Your Home is Causing Your Health Problems

When we hear the word “homesick,” we usually think of the cognitive state of sadness we experience while missing the place where we live. However, what many people don’t realize is that there’s another kind of homesickness: your actual home. There are many ways our homes can make us sick without us realizing it.

Continue reading Home Sick: What to Do When Your Home is Causing Your Health Problems

Alternative Recovery Methods that Help Substance Abuse

Traditional treatment programs for people with substance abuse issues tend to be 12-step programs. They focus on abstinence for life and belief in a higher power. However, these may not be as effective as once believed. In this article from the Daily Beast, people criticize these programs for not being “evidence-based” treatments – that is, those with peer-reviewed research to back them.

Continue reading Alternative Recovery Methods that Help Substance Abuse