All posts by Sophie Letts

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Tips to Keep Your Goal to Get Healthy Going Strong

So, you are two days shy of the timeline you set to achieve your fitness goal, and you aren’t even close. You’ve lived a lot of life since you made that goal to get fit and healthy. Life is hard. You’re suffering from a lack of motivation, or worse, you’ve fallen off the wagon. Don’t be ashamed. It happens. Continue reading Tips to Keep Your Goal to Get Healthy Going Strong

How to Recognize and Deal with Anxiety Attack

If you’ve ever had to deal with anxiety attacks, you know how debilitating they can be. Having an anxiety attack isn’t just feeling worried. When feelings of dread and worrying thoughts ramped up to the point of causing actual physical changes such as a spike in blood pressure, this is an anxiety attack. Anxiety attacks may be mild or severe and may last for only a few minutes or for days at a time. But whatever form they come in, they can impair your quality of life. Continue reading How to Recognize and Deal with Anxiety Attack