Tropical Depression Nine (9) Hurricane—Deep Meaning

I got the alert on my phone regarding Tropical Depression Nine (9) Hurricane and posted it on the Twit. It was early morning, so I did not get a chance to let the info sink in. All three names are significant, and I can only say that this storm is so profound.


Notice the definition of “Tropical” via Etymology Online? What stood out for me was “Celestial Tropics.” Also, look at “hot and lush.”

Take a peek at the word “Tropic.” Things got interesting from here, and I zoned in on “the northernmost and southernmost points of the ecliptic, “referring to the solstice, which means a turn or change according to the definition.

All of what’s taking place is very spiritual. I have gotten tons of messages suggesting transformation, significant changes coming that are noticeable, and revival and renewal.

Another significant point is “The notion of the point at which the sun turns back after reaching its northernmost or southernmost point in the sky.” This part is crucial, too, the “region between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.” My coming forward sign is Capricorn, but as you already know, we are all signs. I have mastered all signs, by the way.


Let’s look at “Depression” and see what we find. I immediately zoned in on “a lowering or reduction in economic activity.” If you are taking note, I’m correlating the name of the storm to messages I’ve gotten and images I’ve seen on the Twit.

Do you remember the video of the guard falling over at QE2’s funeral? One of the definitions is “press down,” and the guard fell to the ground where everyone could see it. Plus, other images show people spinning around and crashing into things. To me, that signifies the collapse of the economy. It’s in the name of the hurricane, for crying out loud—Tropical Depression Nine (9).

Another significant part of the definition is the “angular distance of a star below the horizon.” I looked up the word “Horizon,” and here’s what I found:

Depression has multiple meanings, so if you look at the definition of the horizon, it states, “the line where the earth seems to meet the sky.” The angular distance of a star below the horizon seems to be pointing to the earth. Considering all the definitions, it’s not just the economy that will flush down the tubes. Earth is about to cleanse itself.


The third name is the number Nine (9). I looked up the spiritual meaning of the number 9 because the name of the hurricane is so significant. Here are some of the definitions:

  • The highest digit and the number of perfection
  • Trust your intuition
  • Take a step back and reflect on things
  • The need to help others
  • Sign of spiritual awakening
  • Age and maturity
  • Knowledge and wisdom
  • Discovering your hidden potential

Here’s what Etymology Online had to say:

I looked up “Nines” too:

The first definition mentions Kaats (Cats) and nine lives, and the second one mentions the nine orders of angels. Go figure.


Spiritually speaking, the “Tropical Depression Nine (9)” hurricane is a significant one. Tropical refers to changes occurring in our lives on a spiritual level. Depression means the collapse of the economy and the earth cleansing itself if you put things into perspective. Nine is the highest digit and the number of perfection. The number forces you to trust your intuition and take a step back and reflect on things. It’s also a sign of spiritual awakening. To sum everything up, nature has all the answers, so continue spending time in nature.


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About AnneElBey™

Anne El Bey is a freelance writer, specializing in copywriting, editing, and blogging. She also writes content, product descriptions, SEO blogs and more. To read more about Anne El Bey, please visit her website:

4 thoughts on “Tropical Depression Nine (9) Hurricane—Deep Meaning

  1. 13Love Aunti, Thank Yah for this info and everything else you do. You do so much for TLC. In my mind, I think the storm is telling us like we should first make a change in our lives, then proceed to cleanse detox detach bad from our lives so that we can reach the next level and be our Highest Self .

  2. Wow! 13 Love for breaking that up. There’s so many codes going on here. I, too, have been receiving many messages about transformation and big changes. Th ancestors are basically screaming right now like hey pay attention and prepare yourselves. Amma is not playing with these mofos no mo’! This one is called hurricane IAN which is I AM! They gone know who the real I AM is. 13 Love

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