Category Archives: General Articles

raise, vibration, proper, knowledge

How to Raise your Vibration with the Proper Knowledge

Raise your vibration with the proper knowledge by reading critical information hidden from you. Continue to get back to nature, monitoring your thoughts and mastering the spiritual, mental, and physical aspects of yourselves. Reading is fundamental, per the experts, so don’t be afraid to read hidden knowledge. Your intuition will guide you into picking up proper knowledge. Keep reading, and you will see how to make the connection. Always remember to say a Palil before reading any book. Ask the Divine Beings to guide you to the proper knowledge to help increase your vibration. Continue reading How to Raise your Vibration with the Proper Knowledge

unlock, codes, DNA

How to Unlock Codes from your DNA

Did you know that you can unlock codes from your DNA? According to spiritual experts, if everyone on earth has DNA activated, each person will have a higher conscious awareness. When the time is right, you will use telepathy to communicate with each other. Since everyone is not on an equal footing, you can do things to unlock codes from your DNA. Continue reading How to Unlock Codes from your DNA

devil, mind, soul

The Devil’s Quest to Control the Mind-Body-Soul

The devil wants to control your mind, body, and soul and will stop at nothing until IT has ITS way. Various groups want to manipulate your every move. Your responsibility is to save yourself from the beast and make it out of the 3D Realm in one piece. Do so by mastering your spiritual, mental, and physical aspects. Continue reading The Devil’s Quest to Control the Mind-Body-Soul

Seek, Peace, cold-hearted

Seek Peace in a Cold-Hearted World

Seek peace in a cold-hearted world by returning to nature because nature heals us emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Use your energy to guide your thoughts since the information is already within you. It’s always best to be yourself instead of attempting to be someone you are not; it frequently ends in disaster. Jealousy and hate can undermine your thoughts to the point that the emotions consume you. Always say your Palals if you are unsure of anything. Fear stops you from being the best of who you are, so let go of the fear. Be the captain of your ship so no one else can use mind control to take over your state of being.

Continue reading Seek Peace in a Cold-Hearted World

Stop the hate

Show Us the Way to Stop the Hate

Show Us the Way to Stop the hateby Anne El-Bey  ~All Rights Reserved © 00070675-1.  Sung and produced by SunChildOlivia13Bey™ (@omakena33) and Dempsey Mamboleo Omwega Bey™ (@SerpentMoor13).

I wrote the song in October of 2018 because there was so much hate in the community at the time.  I wanted to release the song, but I had to find a vocalist, so I reached out to SunChildOlivia13Bey™ (@omakena33).  She and Dempsey Mamboleo Omwega Bey™  (@SerpentMoor13) are listed as vocalists.

Title Image Credit: Mattia Ascenzo (@mattia19)

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