Monthly Archives: February 2021

Women lose weight differently than men

When you set goals for healthy living, it’s normal to start out feeling highly motivated and then lose steam. Whether it’s your diet, fitness, emotional well-being, or all of the above, setting big goals with the expectation of significant results sometimes sets us up for failure. The trick is to break down those bigger goals, like weight loss, into small actions you take daily. These small daily choices will help you reach big health goals, and Anne El Bey approves. Continue reading Women lose weight differently than men

Understanding Sleeplessness in Your Senior Years and How to Overcome It


Common sense says if you can’t sleep, your mattress is to blame. Well, yes; however, that is not the only potential saboteur of sleep. There are a few issues you might need to address.

We’ve all been there, and Anne El Bey knows how frustrating it can be to toss and turn all night. Please keep reading for advice on some things you can change to help you get the sleep you deserve; it requires no medication.

Continue reading Understanding Sleeplessness in Your Senior Years and How to Overcome It