Earth, Chaotic

Why is Earth a chaotic mess and how did it happen?

The Earth is a chaotic mess. Some beings came back to help, and they are telling you the truth; however, some are demonizing those beings. On the other hand, you have a father and son team, along with their warrior clones, wreaking havoc on planet Earth.

They have placed you into a fairytale, thinking that they are here to save you, but they are slowly destroying you. It’s time you snap out of the nightmare.

I’m writing a series of articles, so don’t be alarmed by the introduction. As you read through the other articles, my introduction will make sense.


The purpose of my series of articles is to inform you of what took place in ancient times and what is currently happening on planet Earth.

I asked myself to show me the truth, and I came upon Wes Penre’s papers. It’s ironic because I used to read his papers right before I joined a particular group.

Back when I was on Fake Book, someone posted a video on Wes Penre’s page, and I watched the video and got hooked. I watched a marathon of the videos and founded a Twitter page. The videos were hypnotic, making you watch them nonstop.

The individual who posted the video on Wes Penre’s FB page started an online group. My intuition told me that the same person posted the video on Wes Penre’s page for me to see.

Shortly after, I started reading tweets from the individual who started the group, and the person told us not to pay attention to certain people. David Icke, Wes Penre, and Robert Morning Sky are some of them, and others exposing the lies told to us.

Surprisingly, the individual who started the group tweeted information from Wes Penre’s papers but conveniently left out the truth about the Sirians (the Anu dynasty).

It’s a lot of information, so I’m separating my articles into parts. Some content might sound familiar, and some might be new to those who have not done the research.

I’m using Wes Penre’s Papers along with other researched materials as I continue with the articles in depth. While reading Wes Penre’s Papers, I used my intuition based on what I discovered from spiritual encounters with my higher self.

At the end of the article series, I’ll comment and voice my opinions on their content based on my experience in the spiritual realm.

Warning! Before going further…

As per Wes Penre, there are discrepancies in some of Zecharia Sitchin’s tablets, including our creation and Nibiru, Inanna, among other story parts.

Sitchin may have intentionally omitted information regarding the people of Earth. My research has revealed these inconsistencies. Please read these texts for more details: ¹

Earth, Chaotic

Earth, Chaotic

The Ša.AM.i is the Sirian Overlords, and “PTB” means the “Powers that Be.”

How did patriarchy take over Earth? Part 1

Earth, Chaotic

Once upon a time, there was a race of androgynous beings (male & female), and they reported to the goddess of the universe. These androgynous beings were the guardians of the planet.  They connected with the goddess of the universe by using their thoughts.¹

These androgynous beings were incredibly spiritually powerful as well as loving, compassionate, and multi-dimensional.¹

The Sirians (patriarchal beings) came to Earth encountered these androgynous beings and became very jealous of them. By the way, the Sirians are the “Anu dynasty” Sitchin called the Anunnaki. ¹

The androgynous beings had a unique perspective on sex, viewing it as a powerful tool rather than a mere act of having children. Their innerstanding of sex was vastly different from that of Earth.

They used it to create life and harness energy for the benefit of their dynasty or empire. For instance, during orgasm, a female could channel this energy to accomplish tasks that would benefit her people. ¹

The Sirians did everything they could to steal the feminine secrets of the androgynous beings but failed. Instead, they created a slave race and made them sexual. They did this by mixing the Sirians’ DNA with the androgynous beings and the apes to create a hybrid race. ¹

The males wanted to tame the female’s sexual energy and use it for themselves, but they failed. In ancient times, females were powerful because they were the only ones who could connect to the void (nothingness) and bring back the essence of the goddess during orgasm. ¹

The essence is the raw energy the goddess used when she created the universe. The energy is super powerful and can open up portals among other things. For this reason, only females were Shamans back in ancient times. Only they could access the raw feminine energy of the Mother Goddess. ¹

How did patriarchy take over Earth? Part 2

The male Sirians wanted to harness the feminine energy, so they replaced the female Shamans with males. However, they didn’t have the capabilities of the females to access the goddess’ energy. The chaotic behavior resulted in pedophilia in the highest level of society. ¹  

They became desperate and chaotic by using torture, rape, and pedophilia. The Sirians wanted to use their sexual energy to conquer the universe.¹

As a result, they went as far as inserting their souls into female bodies but could not achieve the desired results. The purpose of the chaotic behavior was to harness the raw female sexual energy. ¹

Since the males are powerless to access feminine energy, they sexually abuse the females and mind-controlled them during sex rituals.¹

The Sirians did not want the females to become too powerful because it would threaten the patriarchal rulership. They killed the females at the height of ecstasy. ¹

Afterward, they drank the blood of the dying females while gaining as much female power as possible during ecstasy. They drank the blood because the goddess’ energy (divine feminine) was extremely powerful. That’s how they have maintained a patriarchal regime this long. ¹

They outlawed goddess worship, created a male-dominated society, and made it appear as if the males created everything. They insisted on the created beings to worship a male god.¹

Patriarchy continues to the current day, but we have reached the end of the chaotic patriarchal regime. In secret societies, they still practice the rituals of abusing and torturing females during sex rituals to this day.¹

Female sexuality is extremely powerful, so much so that it scares the males who want to dominate them.¹

How did patriarchy take over Earth? Part 3

We had already existed on Earth as the Namlú’u and were multidimensional beings. Here’s what the Sirians did to enslave the people of Earth.¹

They placed an electromagnetic frequency grid around the planet with an artificial time lock. It prevents us from experiencing time as is. Instead, they forced us into a straight-linear timeline.¹

The setup is complicated. We live in a multidimensional universe where our thoughts and actions create new realities, resulting in a new continuous timeline. When the Sirians created the frequency grid, they ensured we didn’t know who we were or where we came from, making everything chaotic. ¹  

Plus, we needed to have a concept of time, timelines, or reality in general. The grid allows the Sirians to control our thoughts and create a false reality, manipulating us and our destiny. We cannot reach the planet’s surface because the grid blocks out specific frequencies of light, keeping us uninformed. ¹

Another significant adjustment was to unplug a portion of our DNA, locking any incoming spirit into the electromagnetic grid. In the Sirians’ minds, this created the perfect trap. ¹

Notice how chaotic the Sirian Overlords are? They use an EMF grid to trap and prevent us from connecting to the spirit world.

However, the trap could have been better because the EMF grid had Swiss Cheese-like holes, meaning we could get light from the sun and the galactic center to align us.¹

Despite the sun coming through the grid, they had already rearranged our DNA. Whatever came inside the body would not be absorbed since no one was there to receive the information. ¹

How did patriarchy take over Earth? Part 4

Another part of the puzzle involves death and escaping through the holes. The Sirians created a “Tunnel of Light” to get you to reincarnate repeatedly with blocked memories.

They do it by placing you into a new body with your memories wiped, meaning you have to start over at the beginning. ¹

The Sirians wanted to prevent us from escaping through the holes, so they created the “Tunnel of Light.” What took place before creating the tunnel of light? After you die a physical death, the spirit is confused because it has no memories. ¹

As a result, some spirits float over the Earth while others attach themselves to other bodies and become restless. The Sirians’ scenario was too chaotic for the spirits that floated over the Earth. ¹

The remaining spirits escape through the Swiss cheese-type holes. After discovering that some spirits escape, the Sirians created the “Tunnel of Light.” It had a warm and comfortable feel with false images of dead relatives that led them to the “Tunnel of Light.” ¹ 

Spirit guides were also present at the tunnel. Sometimes, they created a false image of a “Jesus” figure awaiting them at the “Tunnel of Light.” The false images and the “Tunnel of Light” were to prevent the spirits from escaping through the Swiss cheese-type holes.¹

If the spirit agrees to enter the tunnel, they quickly suck the spirit in like a vacuum cleaner and place her into the “Between Life Area.”¹

The spirit meets with their dead relatives, friends, or a portion of their souls left in the afterlife. They use the “Between Life Area” to keep the new spirits busy who are clueless about what is happening. ¹

How did patriarchy take over Earth? Part 5

The truth is that the “Between Life Area” is a place where the spirit waits her turn to be recycled. During the afterlife, the spirit can have fun with friends and experience various things, such as manifesting and experimenting with the avatar body. After all the fun, the spirit gets recycled. ¹

Sirian workers awaited the newly recycled spirits and blocked their memories before they shot into a new body. While preparing the spirits for their next lives, the Sirians placed them into a spinning chair at high speed. They display many images quickly while telling the spirits to obey their masters and forget their previous lives. ¹

Based on what takes place, the spirit can escape through the Swiss cheese-like holes in the grid without getting recycled. You can join whatever civilization you prefer as a spirit body from there. Most people don’t discuss this topic because it’s a well-kept secret. The Sirian Overlords prefer to keep us prisoners. ¹

The Pleiadians would be ecstatic because they are the people of Earth in the future. They want us to upgrade our DNA by raising our consciousness to build a new Earth to free them and us from tyranny.¹

They made mistakes in the past by altering our DNA, so they are working out their karma by helping us evolve. ¹

Once we succeed in evolving, the Sirians have no choice but to leave. They would end up in another version of Earth. The people who refuse to wake up will remain as their slaves to the Sirians. Once you raise your consciousness to a higher frequency, there’s no need for the “Tunnel of Light.”¹

How did patriarchy take over Earth? Part 6

Keep in mind that the Sirians need our permission to enslave us, so be careful not to agree to any oral contracts to stay in a lower dimension with them. ¹

On a side note, I’ve seen many making oral contracts to walk with others. Most are clueless about who these beings are because they received a false impression.

While we work on raising our consciousness, we must forgive those who have done us harm to unload the burden and move on with our lives. It’s an individual journey, and each of us needs to work on our problems alone. At the same time, we can uplift each other. ¹  

Not everyone agreed with the chaotic patriarchal system

Earth, Chaotic

There were Tribes secretly practicing female shamanism while worshipping the Mother Goddess. They had to solve problems within their tribes, such as ending droughts by calling forth rain, healing the sick, and helping the dead pass over into the other life.¹

Orgasm is not always necessary to achieve the Divine Feminine Power. You can access it by performing shamanic dancing, but it’s easier to achieve through sex. The women of today have forgotten their powers owing to the patriarchal regime.¹

Who are the Sirians—Part 1

Earth, Chaotic

The Sirians’ are a much younger star race than the Orion star race, but they are much older than the people of Earth. They are a mixture of wolves and reptilians with cat-like features.¹

Once again, the Sirians are the Anu dynasty, Anunnaki per Sitchin. Both males and females have appearances such as golden brown, dark, or red manes. However, their ancestors were genetically engineered; they were wolf-cat-like creatures.¹

The Sirians are a combination of a dog, a cat, and a reptile. They are from Sirius C, and the term “Dog Star,” as in Sirius, fits their profile with the dog mixture. ¹

They had their bodies genetically cloned to blend in with Earth’s people but kept their locked hair with long braided beards. Their eyes are bigger than ours, have an odd shape, and are extremely tall. ¹

According to Robert Morning Sky,² the Sirians had a violent sexual nature. The male had to prove his worth by defeating the female in battle. If the male fails, he is not a worthy partner. Harems were common in their society, proving the male’s status as a formidable companion. ¹

It was a survival of the fittest behavior, and the males stole wives from each other. If the husband failed to steal the wife back, the female was happy with the new husband, proving how powerful the new husband was. They are very male-dominated. ¹

Furthermore, the Sirians were barbaric in everyday life and during wars. They ate their enemies on the battlefield if the soldiers did not die. Sitchin described them as promiscuous, incestuous, and barbaric. ¹

If the Sirians did not want their enemies to continue their bloodline, they cut off the male parts, threw them to the vultures in the river, or ate them. ¹

Who are the Sirians—Part 2

The Sirians use the people of Earth as a food source. They eat us or our energy (souls). How do they do it? The Sirians feed off our fears, terror, anxiety, hate, or other low-vibrational emotions. ¹

They enjoy drinking our blood because it contains the elements of our soul. Furthermore, Robert Morning Sky said the Sirians ate their young if they were in a desperate situation. Wes Penre used some of Morning Sky’s research.¹

Wes Penre presented the descriptions of the Sirians to Utu Šamaš, ³ a Sirian and Nannar’s son (Inanna’s twin brother). Utu Šamaš said Wes Penre was correct in describing the Sirians in Level 1 of the Wes Penre Papers.

You can read the email Wes Penre received from Utu Šamaš under the heading: “AUTHENTIC MESSAGE FROM THE KING OF THE ANUNNAKI.”

On a side note, some of the Sirians were friendly to the people of Earth, per Wes Penre. Not all were vicious. The friendlier ones are more spiritually evolved than the others. The majority of the Sirians don’t care for spirituality. They are more into technology.

Can you balance the male and female energy?

Earth, Chaotic

The Orion Empire is a matriarchal society that opposes the patriarchal regime led by the Lords of Sirius. The Orion Queen is a significant threat to the Sirians. Unfortunately, the people of Earth are in the middle of a battle between the patriarchs and the matriarchs.¹

In a matriarchal regime, males and females share responsibilities while assisting the goddess in her creation. Although the males and females have different roles, they live peacefully together. Conflicts are rare because of the connection to the Mother Goddess.¹

The universe was feminine initially, and they created males after the fact. Instead of cloning and genetic engineering, the Mother Goddess suggested sexual reproduction for some of the beings.¹

The connection to the Mother Goddess is more powerful using sexuality. Both genders need to harness their masculine and feminine side to create a balance between the two.¹

Does Nibiru exist? Part 1

According to Wes Penre, Nibiru does not appear in the Sumerian scriptures as the home planet of the Sirians. Penre said the Sirians mentioned their home planet is in a 3,600-year orbit around the solar system, and they are from Sirius, but they never mentioned Nibiru. ¹

Penre further said the Nibiru they spoke of is the planet Venus, as stated by Anton Parks. They looked at the clay tablet Sitchin translated (Clay tablet VA-243) and concluded that it was the planet Venus with the 8-pointed star. ¹

Earth, Chaotic

The “Enuma Elish,” a significant text in the debate about Nibiru, is the only place where Wes Penre found a mention of ‘Nibiru.’ This text, which Sitchin’s interpretation of the Clay tablet VA-243 traces back to, is not an astronomical tablet and does not mention the Anunnaki gods. ¹

Earth, Chaotic

Wes Penre noted that Anton Parks, another prominent figure in this debate, said that the planet Venus is the Nibiru Sitchin mentioned in his research. It’s a different perspective, as the research mentioned Venus in the Sumerian scriptures but not Nibiru. ¹

Furthermore, Wes Penre noted that Gerry Zeitlin, publisher of Anton Park’s work in English, stated that the Sumerian tablets did not mention anything about the Anunnaki coming from Nibiru. Gerry Zeitlin’s quote: ¹

Earth, Chaotic

Sitchin continuously used Nibiru in his work, stating that it was the home planet of the gods. However, Gerry Zeitlin and Anton Parks insist that Neberu (Nibiru) refers to Jupiter and Mercury.¹

Parks said that Nibiru and Venus’ connection leads back to the moon of Maldek, located between Mars and Jupiter. Maldek split into tiny pieces in the distant past. ¹

Does Nibiru exist? Part 2

Earth, Chaotic

Sitchin also mentioned gold in his research. He said the Anunnaki needed gold for their dying planet. Wes Penre stated that Anton Park’s research did not see such claims in the tablet. ¹

However, the so-called gods extended their lives using gold and other minerals. Penre claimed that Sitchin was in alliance with the Sirians. Furthermore, Wes Penre thinks Sitchin’s work fits the agenda of the ancient prophecy, and the Sirians were in on it. ¹

The topic of gold could have been a disinformation tactic to make us empathize with the Sirians, per Wes Penre. In other words, we would feel sorry for them that they had to come here to get gold to survive. ¹


You finally found out the truth about the so-called Anunnaki. The Sirians (named the Anunnaki by Sitchin) have been running the Earth.  The Earth is a chaotic mess under their control because they are obsessed with controlling the Divine Feminine Energy. They want to keep a stronghold on patriarchy but give you the impression that Earth is shifting to matriarchy.

The story still needs to be finished. It’s part 1 of a series of articles. That said, I’m shaking my head over the lies told to us. Zecharia Sitchin told us a rosy story of the Anunnaki and Nibiru.

Still, I learned that Sitchin may have lied because his stories needed to add up based on multiple research done by various scholars.

Here’s Part 2.

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Reference 1

¹ “Wes Penre Papers: Second Level of Learning

Reference 2

² “Terra Papers” by Robert Morning Sky

Reference 3

³ “Utu Šamaš’ Email to Wes Penre

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About AnneElBey™

Anne El Bey is a freelance writer, specializing in copywriting, editing, and blogging. She also writes content, product descriptions, SEO blogs and more. To read more about Anne El Bey, please visit her website:

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