Founders, Star Systems

Who are the founders of the star systems?

The Aryans became the founders of the star systems because of their technological skills and the knowledge of seeding planets with life.

There were other star races besides the Aryans, but other galaxies needed seeding. Therefore, the Aryans teamed up with creator gods from other star systems to seed more planets along the Milky Way and further.

The seeding of the star systems

Founders, Star Systems

The Orion Queen’s scientists (MAKH scientists) possessed the knowledge of creating bodies from scratch and extending the life expectancy of a biological being. In the Bible, they call it the “Tree of Life.” The MAKH scientists called the elixir the S-MA. ¹

Given the Aryan’s cold-blooded nature, the scientists used an extract they developed from warm-blood nutrients to lengthen their lives. The elixir made the Queen appear younger. They named the liquid “Soma (S-MA).” ‘Ma’ means Mother on Orion. ¹

The MAKH scientists knew how to revive a dead person or bring the individual back to life. They had to do the process in a specific period, and the body had to be in excellent shape. ¹

As a result, they mummified the Egyptian pharaohs to revive them later. According to research, ² they use the Egyptian pharaohs to transfer their life essence into American presidents, which would explain why they are all cousins.

Owing to the MAKH scientists’ discoveries, the Queen could die of old age and transfer to another body from the same bloodline. She would continue to exist as if nothing happened. Research states that the Dalai Lama undergoes the same process here on Earth. ¹

The elixir used to extend life expectancy became the elixir of the so-called gods. It’s so powerful that the Sirians fought over it on Earth. The Sirians are members of the Anu dynasty. The elixir won’t work on us because it traps us in a lower density. ¹

In addition to bringing people back to life, the MAKH scientists knew how to clone bodies. Cloning allows beings to jump from one body to the next, which the Sirians do often. Other star systems are familiar with cloning; scientists on Earth ³ have learned to clone.

The Sirian Overlords attacked the Founders

The Sirian Overlords were the first to attack the Orion Empire. They partially looked like wolves with cat-like features and a reptilian horn across their foreheads. Based on the description, this is the closest image I could find: ¹

Founders, Star Systems

They used hollowed-out asteroids to surprise their victims because they knew how to cloak themselves. The Aryans warned the Sirians, but they continued attacking the Orion Empire. As a result, the Aryans decimated several hollowed-out planets of the Sirian warships. ¹

The attack angered Lord KHANUS KHANUR (King Anu), but that did not stop him. Instead, he changed strategy. After finding out that female warriors of the Orion Empire defeated him, the King became angrier because the women on his planet were always in the background. ¹

Lord KHANUS KHANUR quickly discovered that the Orion Empire (one of the star systems) had female rulers and warriors. The Sirians loved having sex, and they used the females only for sex and having babies. ¹

Seeing one of the Aryan female prisoners made the King fear the Aryan female warriors because they knew how to hypnotize their enemies before attacking them.¹

An Aryan female prisoner hypnotized one of the guards and attacked him. Surprisingly, the females never used that tactic in battle because it was unnecessary.¹

One of the Aryan prisoners warned Lord KHANUS KHANUR (King Anu) that the Orion Empire was peaceful and would only go to war if attacked.¹

Furthermore, the Orion Queen could easily destroy the entire Sirian Empire. Plus, they were the founders of the star systems. ¹

The prisoner further told the King that his best option was to sign a peace treaty, but the King laughed. The Sirian King launched another attack on the Orion Empire but failed, making the King feel helpless. ¹

The Orion Queen offered the Sirian Overlord a Peace Treaty

Founders, Star Systems

Despite not having any match for the Queen’s army, the Queen was impressed with the Sirians and their army. Knowing that the Sirians would attempt another attack, the Orion Queen did not want them anywhere near PESH-METEN. It’s a passageway they use to travel through the Milky Way Galaxy. ¹

The Queen did not want the Sirians to take over the PESH-METEN because they would have control of the galaxy itself. As founders, they had to guard the galaxies. NEKH-T (Orion Queen) arranged a meeting with KHANUS KHANUR and assured the safety of his guards. ¹

To make the King comfortable, NEKH-T showed the King her war machines without giving details so the Sirians would not copy them. KHANUS KHANUR was impressed and knew his army was no match for the Orion Empire. ¹

NEKH-T invited the King to join her Orion army in an alliance. If KHANUS KHANUR accepts the offer, they will have access to large territories on the outskirts of Sector 9 and major star routes. The King’s warriors would become the Queen’s advanced guards (DAKH Warriors). ¹

Furthermore, the Queen offered free expansion of the Sirians’ territories, allowing them to continue business as usual. The only exception was that they did not get in the way of the Orion Empire and had to stay away from the PESH-METEN. ¹

If the Sirians joined forces with the Aryans, they would have a formidable army that would make their enemies pause. The Queen offered to join forces because she knew she could not stop the Sirians from doing as they pleased. If the Sirians ever needed help, the Orion Empire would back them up and fight with them side-by-side. ¹

NEKH-T (Orion Queen) sweetened the deal

Founders, Star Systems

In return, the Queen wanted the Sirians to be obedient and loyal to the Queen’s throne. As a part of the treaty, the Orion Empire (founders) would own Sirius and all its colonies, allowing the Sirian Kings to run their empire as long as they obeyed the Aryan laws. ¹

Both the King and Queen were silent, and the Queen saw the King’s hesitation, so NEKH-T upped the ante. NEKH-T promised not to tell other star races how easy it was for the Orion Empire to defeat the Sirians. ¹

Plus, the Queen promised not to destroy the Sirian Empire with her superior weapons. The Queen sweetened the pot by offering marriages between Orion and Sirius. NEKH-T hoped to bring the Aryans and the Sirians together to show the bond between the two-star races. ¹

NEKH-T, the Orion Queen, would marry King Anu (KHANUS KHANUR). The Queen also offered one of her daughters to King Anu’s son, Enlil. ¹

So, Nin-Lil, the Queen’s daughter, would marry Enlil. One more offer on the table involved having a daughter from the Orion Empire sit on each throne of the Sirian Empire. ¹

Each star system in the Sirian Empire had its King; therefore, the Orion Queen wanted females to rule. The Queen would get to keep an eye on the Sirian Empire. King Anu would reign with the Queen of Orion if he followed Orion’s laws and policies. ¹  

More details of the treaty

Founders, Star Systems

KHANUS KHANUR and the Sirians would travel anywhere on Orion freely, and NEKH-T made it very clear that the marriages were business deals. ¹

The Queen had a firm grip on her dealings, knowing the daughters sitting on the throne would report back to her. Additionally, the Queen offered the Sirians S-MA (Tree of Life Elixir) to extend their life expectancy. ¹

Under the arrangement, NEKH-T’s daughter would be named the Queen of Sirius, and Anu’s son would take on the title “KHANUS KHANUR.” He keeps Anu’s title until the son can assume the throne. ¹

There was an exception: None of KHANUS KHANUR’s descendants could wear the title unless his birth was from a royal daughter of Orion. ¹

Furthermore, the priestess’ daughters became family members in the Sirian Royal Court. The Queen used the arrangement to ensure the Sirian Kings followed Orion’s policy and agreement. After this, NEKH-T guaranteed the Kings that no one would attack the Sirian Empire. ¹

The Orion Queen ensured the alliance’s outcome benefited both sides, knowing how ruthless and aggressive the Sirians were. They were the Queen’s Advanced Guards. Ultimately, it was a business deal between NEKH-T (Orion Queen) and KHANUS KHANUR (King Anu). ¹

King Anu accepted the business deal, knowing that the Universe is feminine and that NEKH-T was an extension of the Mother Goddess, making her the heir of the Universe. In Anu’s mind, he would become the heir of the Universe by marriage and the Lord of the KHAA (Void). ¹

On a side note, the Divine Mother Goddess, creator of all, is inside all of us. We are a part of her, and we are a part of each other. ¹

Moreover, King Anu found the Orion Queen stunning, knowing his Elite Troops would be the Advanced Guards in the Queen’s Court. ¹

The Development of the Earth—Part 1

Founders, Star Systems

After the Orion Empire created the peace treaty between her and the Sirian Empire, they continued seeding other planets, and Earth is one of those planets. ¹

Earth served as a Living Library with flora and fauna. The library is like a book with a list of medicinal drugs describing their use and application of them. ¹

Before Orion got involved, Earth was already in existence.  Earth was created out of nothingness (the Void). Nothing existed—no thoughts or emotions. There was silence and darkness; suddenly, the silence gained awareness and developed a superconsciousness. ¹

Thought and self-awareness developed from superconsciousness, and everything was infinite. The “Infinite Potential” is the Source (Divine Mother). The Source was knowledgeable and could experience everything from its perspective. ¹

The Source went from oneness to separateness and was capable of creating different densities and dimensions. As things progressed, Source became the Prime Creator. The Universe is infinite; we all help create it with our thoughts.

There’s too much to cover on this particular topic. I just wanted to share some background information since the readers will question who the creators are. You can read more on the topic here.

According to research, the Orion Empire came up with the idea of the Living Library, and they own our solar system. One can look at the mythology to see that’s the case. ¹

Based on the stories, the Aryans were the first to inhabit the solar system. Then, the Olympians (Sirian Overlords) came further down the road. ¹

The Development of the Earth—Part 2

The Aryans were the ones who seeded our solar system. Earth had many names in ancient times: Terra, Tiamat, Marduk, Maldek, Mulge, and Phaeton. ¹

First, they seeded the Earth with plants and animals to show signs of life, which took billions of years. After the first life form took shape, the founders carried more complex life forms from various parts of the galaxy. They planted and monitored them to see how well they developed. ¹

Several genetic libraries popped up in various parts of the solar system, and research states that the Queen of Orion visited Earth to help build the Living Library. The Vegans were her helpers, and they were from the Lyran star systems.¹

They originated from a previous version of the star Vega close to the Earth. Vegans were the pioneers in the building of genetics and DNA on Earth. They created a more advanced species via genetic experimentation and were supposed to work as guardians of the Living Library. ¹

Please don’t confuse the Vegan race of beings with food categories. Here’s an example of a Vegan being:

Founders, Star Systems


The image came from “Star Trek.” Word on the street is Gene Roddenberry is familiar with the Vegan Race of people because he’s a member of the Council of Nine. He channeled a group of beings and got the idea of “Star Trek” from them. Side note: Science Fiction is not fiction. ¹

In one of the experiments, the Vegans mixed their DNA with the dinosaurs’ DNA, resulting in reptilian hybrids that were mammals. They abandoned those experiments; however, there were talks of people seeing reptilian beings that could have descended from them. ¹

The Development of the Earth—Part 3

After observing the lifeforms they planted, rocks and plants sprouted first. The rocks and plants are alive and have a consciousness like us. The creators store information in rocks and bones. ¹

The Shamans know this and use stones, bones, and plants in their rituals. The creators store information in rocks and bones. ¹

Have conversations with the plants because they feel what you feel. When you treat them with love, they flourish. That’s why it’s so crucial to spend time in nature and connect with Mother Earth. Moreover, you can speak with the plants and get answers telepathically. ¹

Nefarious beings are well aware of nature and the benefits of the plants, but they tricked us into believing that some plants are poisonous. They use these healing herbs, which they say are poisonous, in private while laughing at us. ¹

You can associate the plants with various parts of your body, and the animals are fully aware of this. They know which plants to eat and which ones to avoid. If you realign yourself with nature, you will know which plants to avoid that are similar to animals. ¹

After several years, Queen Nin and the Vegans returned to Earth to seed the planet with animals. Some animals were sea creatures, and some were strictly land animals. A few animals came from other star systems and connected with the beings who created them. ¹

The creators placed animals on Earth to teach us, which is why animal totems are crucial to our spiritual growth. The cat species, such as the tigers, cats, and lions, are here to watch over us. ¹

That explains why cats visit my house, and I don’t even own a cat. They are always watching over me. Cat beings have a close connection with the stars. ¹

The Development of the Earth—Part 4

NEKH-T (Orion Queen) loved the animals because they were smarter than us. The animals are multidimensional and do not fear death. They dislike destruction and evil. ¹

If you mistreat these animals and torture them, they leave our reality or go extinct. Their intuition tells them they are not worthy, so they leave for another dimension. ¹

The creators designed animals to teach us compassion. They don’t mind if we eat them as long as we ask permission before killing them. ¹

When they slaughter the animals, the meat becomes contaminated with enzymes because the animal is terrified. The result is feeling the pain the animals felt during their slaughter. ¹

We are supposed to coexist with the animals. The Queen created animals with sound waves to hold the planet together until she returned to create a more intelligent life form. It had to do with the frequency, magnetism, and vibration of the planet. ¹

For this reason, NEKH-T introduced the whales and the dolphins to the ocean. These species can also exist on land and in the air. When the dolphins and whales leave, we must take over from where they left. ¹

The founders left Earth for millions of years to tend to business elsewhere, so the Vegans returned to Earth and created dinosaurs with other founders. The original Earth had a weaker magnetic field, resulting in the growth size of animals and humans. ¹

The size of these species explains the giants that existed on the original Earth because of the lack of magnetism. NEKH-T had to fix the Earth’s magnetic field, which included a pole shift. ¹

Therefore, she sent the creators of the Namlú’u to assist. She referred to them as Kadištu. The dinosaurs died or went extinct as a result of the pole shift. ¹


The seeding of Earth was a massive project that involved various life forms. First, the Queen’s scientists extended life expectancy, and the Sirians attacked them.

The Orion Queen created a Peace Treaty to end the war with the Sirians. Later, she seeded the planet with help from the Vegans. They created plants first, and animals followed.

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Reference 1

¹ “Second Level of Learning” by Wes Penre

Reference 2

² “The Atlantean Conspiracy”

Reference 3

³ “Human Cloning”

Reference 4

“First Level of Learning” by Wes Penre

Photo Credit

“Founders” Image credit—Nick de Partee

“Seeding of the Star Systems”—Bartolomeus Rumahorbo

“Orion Queen offered a Peace Treaty”—Cole Keister

“NEKH-T sweetened the deal”—Wilhelm Gunkel

“More details of the treaty”—Jake Weirick

About AnneElBey™

Anne El Bey is a freelance writer, specializing in copywriting, editing, and blogging. She also writes content, product descriptions, SEO blogs and more. To read more about Anne El Bey, please visit her website:

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