Orion Empire

The Orion Empire: Why do I hear crickets?

No one talks about the Orion Empire. All I hear people speak about is Kmet (Egypt) and Nibiru but not the Orion Empire. The stories of our ancient past stem from the Orion Empire, so why isn’t anyone speaking of Orion? The Queen sits on the Orion Empire as the matriarch.

Early Stages of the Orion Empire—Part 1

Orion Empire

In the beginning, the universe had only feminine energy. The Mother Goddess created males after the fact to have some races reproduce sexually. Sexuality is also a means to connect to the Mother Goddess. ¹

G-d is a feminine being in the Aryan religion. They refer to the people of the Orion Empire as “Aryan.” The Mother Goddess is mostly dark matter, and the feminine energy is more powerful than the males.’¹

Women have more psychic powers and have a closer connection with the Mother Goddess in the spiritual realm. ¹

How do females access the Mother Goddess’ energy? They do so during the height of orgasm or a type of ritual ecstasy, but they achieve it through orgasm.¹

For this reason, they use the Womb in magical spells. Moreover, they frequently use sex magic in secret societies, but they mind-controlled the female they use to represent the Mother Goddess. ¹

Christians and other groups shun sex magic as satanic because they are unaware of its true power, and the elites keep it a secret.¹

In ancient times, people knew about the Divine Feminine and were familiar with the Aryan religion and sex magic. That’s how they connected with the spirit world and the dark energy/dark matter of the Mother Goddess. ¹

Men and women in a loving relationship practiced it, so there was nothing satanic about it. While the womb is at the height of ecstasy, she becomes supercharged and can enter the realm of the Mother Goddess called the “KHAA.” ¹

She takes the Divine Energy of the Mother Goddess and brings it back to the 3rd dimension, which she builds up in her body and soul.¹

The Womb can use the power for herself, her dynasty, or whatever she wants. The female Shamans knew how to do it. They can also achieve feminine energy via shamanic dances. ¹

Early Stages of the Orion Empire—Part 2

The Mother Goddess seeded Orion not long after she created the universe. During the experiment, it was a free-will universe to see how well beings would adapt to an unfriendly environment.¹

Part of the experiment was for the beings to feel love, compassion, and empathy by learning what the Mother Goddess had in mind for them. ¹

Earth’s experiment began with an ancient dark-colored reptilian species called the Aryan Reptilian. They had to go through evolution and master the environment.¹

The beings had scales all over their bodies to serve as protection and could fly. As they evolved, they lost their scales and looked more like humans. ¹

Compared to the Sirians, the Aryan’s bodies looked long and slender as opposed to the shorter and stockier Sirians. They (Aryans) were very tall and appeared like giants to the Earthlings.¹

The Orion Empire was more feminine, and everything they did revolved around the Queen of Orion. The males’ responsibility was to protect the females while the females did all the hard work. ¹

The males took over on the battlefield, but the females had a greater role at home. On a side note, the females were excellent warriors.¹

The male Aryans’ conquered nearby towns and ruled them. They named themselves the “Black NEKH Kings” or the “Black Kings” and were very strict and firm when ruling. ¹

Despite the men ruling certain territories, the Queen of Orion was still in charge. Although there was a separation between the sexes in that there were male rulers and female rulers, the Queen always had the last word.¹

Early Stages of the Orion Empire—Part 3

The male NEKH warriors got involved in science, computer technology, and space travel. They traveled to other galaxies and conquered them.¹

When the NEKH warriors met with resistance, they invited the females to fight in the battles side-by-side since the females were better warriors. ¹

They started more galactic wars to expand the Orion Empire and named the females “Amazon Warriors.” The Orion Empire was the largest in the Sector 9 Galaxy. Whenever they conquered a new world, a king sat on the throne, but they had females protecting the king and the planet. ¹

The females weren’t heavily armed; they used spears, swords, knives, and sometimes a bow and arrow. They were tall (giants to us), beautiful but deadly on the battlefield. After conquering hundreds of galaxies, the Aryans stopped, and that was the end of the “Second Great Galactic War.” ¹

The role of the females in Orion—Part 1

Orion Empire

The females played the administrative roles in the Orion Empire despite a king sitting on the throne. Kings believed they were wiser than the females, but the Queen and the administrators manipulated them.¹

The men’s egos didn’t allow them to see it, but the people of Orion respected the Queen and her female administrators more. ¹

Despite the Queen on the throne, the males didn’t view her as powerful. However, they were sadly mistaken. Slowly, the Orion Queen outsmarted the kings by planning a coup. One of the Queen’s army’s elite warriors killed Orion’s lead king. ¹

The Orion Queen announced to the King’s Court the coup in progress, planning to take over the Orion Empire. She said the coup was an inside job and blamed it on the males, stating that the males wanted to take over after the murder of the king. ¹

Here’s what the Orion Queen did. She assured the people of Orion that she would help them through their difficulties while making herself the temporary leader of the Orion Empire. Furthermore, the Queen would make sure they find the rebels who killed the king and assassinate them. ¹

After that, the males would regain power and select a new king. Several males were in opposition, but the Queen remained in her position. After several days had passed, the males in opposition disappeared and were later found dead, along with the king’s heirs. ¹

It didn’t end there. The Queen’s warriors assassinated most of the people in the King’s court, leaving the entire Orion Empire baffled and out of sorts. The Queen calmed them down by saying she would find the culprits and bring them to justice. ¹ 

The role of the females in Orion—Part 2

The same behavior continued in other areas; the Aryans murdered the Kings, and female administrators took charge.¹

The original Aryans used the confusion to rebel, stating that there was a weakness in the Kingdom. The females crashed all the males’ rebellions. ¹

When the males figured out what occurred, the Queen and her warriors already had a stronghold. They conquered the home planet, the Orion’s Belt, and the colonies. There was no longer a Kingdom of Orion but a Queendom of Orion, meaning the females regained power. ¹ 

Once the females regained power, the Royal NEKH and the MAKH warriors answered to the Queen. The most powerful female warriors were the Amazon warriors of Bellatrix. With the Queen’s help, they conquered various neighboring planets and other sectors of the galaxy.¹

The Queen and her female warriors were so powerful that the opposition would lay down their weapons and surrender upon the warriors’ approach. When the Aryans spoke, they had a hissing sound, so others called them “SSS.” Keep in mind that they are a reptilian race of beings. ¹

They refer to the Queen of Orion as NEKH-T. The “T” means Queen; one of her various titles is “SSS-SSS.” Anyone with a higher rank on Orion doubles their name, hence the Queen’s “SSS-SSS” title. The entire Orion Empire became known as “AN,” meaning the Highest or Heaven. ¹

The Sirian Kings admired the Aryans so much that they adopted the female names. For example, King Anu, a Sirian, gave himself the title “AN” and Anu in Akkadian. ¹

Side Note: My first birth name is “Andrianna,” and I go by “Anne” on Social Media. Someone mentioned that another name was the highest, but I knew it was a lie. “AN” means the Highest or Heaven. There you have it.

War was no longer an agenda

Orion Empire

The Aryans became tired of the wars after millions of years. They only used force to defend themselves if provoked. All the endless killings resulted in more deaths and became counter-productive, so the Queen ended the wars. ¹

Another reason for the end of the wars was that the Queendom became spiritual owing to the discovery of the MAKH scientists. They discovered that the universe is feminine and that they were a creation of the Mother Goddess. ¹

The Orion Queen had a direct telepathic connection with the Mother Goddess. In turn, people thought she was the manifestation of the Mother Goddess. They viewed the Orion Queen as the Queen of the Stars. The Orion Empire is now at peace, resulting in star races coming to trade and ask for advice. ¹

We all have a connection with the Mother Goddess, but some of us have a closer telepathic connection.

Did they replace the Mother Goddess with a Father G-d?

Orion Empire

Image credit goes to Natalia Price

The Sirians turned everything upside down and, demonized the Divine Feminine and changed everything into masculine. Michael Tsarion² did an interview regarding the Divine Feminine and its suppression.¹

Marduk  ³ and company control us behind the scenes, and they are very familiar with the Divine Feminine. The females were the keepers of wisdom, and Marduk feared that the wombs would discover the secrets and see through his lies. ¹

What the males fail to innerstand is that they can balance their feminine as well as their masculine side. Their job is to support and protect the females so the wombs can keep their connection with the Mother Goddess. ¹

Marduk doesn’t want the wombs to regain their psychic abilities and connect with the Mother Goddess. In current society, they use Reality TV, depicting the womb fighting and punching each other to exaggerate their masculine side. ¹

They manipulated the wombs to make them think that G-d is a man to keep them away from their true Divine Feminine power. The wombs need to find balance in a loving relationship to connect back to their true power. ¹

Feminine terms switched to masculine

Orion Empire

Image Credit of the female on the left goes to Donna Murphy Vallèe

Image Credit of the male goes to iGraphix I Graphic Designer I AI artist

The rabbit hole is deep. Did you know that the term “Elohim” is feminine and not masculine? According to Anton Parks, “Elohim” is feminine with Aryan origins.

When you read Genesis 1:26 in the Eth Cepher, Elohim refers to the Mother Goddess and the other creator goddesses with whom she seeded the solar system.

G-d in the Bible text is plural (Elohim) and not singular. The Mother Goddess and her helpers created the plants and animals first to sustain the Earth before she created intelligent life forms in her image.

Orion Empire

How significant is the Divine Feminine?

Orion Empire

Image Credit goes to Murla Liburd

The Divine Feminine scares the Sirian Overlords, who do not want the wombs to know that they have the power within them.¹

For this reason, the Sirians make the wombs feel inferior. Moreover, they tampered with our DNA, messed with our heads, and said they created us. ¹

NO! The Divine Mother created the universe and everything in it. These Sirian Overlords pretend they are the gods while ignoring the Divine Mother who created them and everyone else in the vast galaxies.

The goddess created the universe, and she is the “Void.” The Void (KHAA) is nothingness within and among us. It’s an intelligent energy and an essence of the Mother Goddess and is also feminine.¹

Scientists cannot explain the Void because it’s black space or dark matter. Wes Penre said the scientists work for the patriarchal regime, so they have to pretend as if they don’t know. ¹

The Aryan cosmology states that the Feminine Omniverse is the goddess, and she is alive. The goddess created the physical universe to show how she felt in various dimensions.¹

She selected builders she called Creator Gods to build galaxies and planets and seed them with life forms. All the Creator Gods answered to the Mother Goddess. ¹

The new stars forming out of nowhere are developing Creator Gods awaiting seeding with heavenly bodies. Their primary star system is the Orion Empire. ¹

The Galactic Center is the Mother’s womb, as in the female womb and genitals per the Pleiadians. In other words, the galaxy is feminine. Look at how it spirals in the image.¹

Orion Empire

The mother’s womb is in the middle, and there are star clusters surrounding the womb. It looks like a cosmic orgasm where everything constricts, and the nebulae and the stars shoot from the Mother’s womb in the center. ¹

Divine Feminine—a threat to patriarchy Part 1

Orion Empire

Image Credit goes to innazimovec

How did the Divine Mother create the galaxies? She used sound frequencies. Spend time in nature, and you will hear her sounds.  Look at this video.

Notice how the sand changes shapes when you apply sound frequencies? Each galaxy is different from the next because they vibrate on different sound frequencies.¹

The Aryans refer to the soul as the fire within us and a gift from the Mother Goddess. Some people lived closer to the Earth in ancient times and practiced “Rites of Sacred Ecstasy of the Goddess.”¹

They were more psychic and multidimensional and understood the power the Divine Feminine wields. ¹

There are places in Siberia that still practice these sacred rites. These sacred rites had nothing to do with sex. They were rites of the fire or the soul.¹

While in the height of ecstasy, a womb can leave the current dimension and connect with other worlds. Once they have mastered their experiences while in ecstasy, they can get close to the Divine Mother Goddess. ¹ 

After patriarchy took over, the men coopted the rites and turned them into the “Divine Masculine.” Unfortunately, the men do not innerstand how the ecstasy works.¹

The men messed things up, making us trapped. They forbade ecstasy and suppressed the fire. The men also lied, stating they had direct contact with the Divine Mother. ¹

The original creators encoded our DNA with a key inside but hid it. Many outside forces want access to the key to gain control of the Living Library.¹

The Living Library is the original human experiment involving knowing who we are. We are spiritual beings with free will. ¹

Divine Feminine—a threat to patriarchy Part 2

One thing to note is that we were already advanced beings after the Divine Mother created us. We had 12 strands of DNA.¹

However, when the Sirians (members of the Anu dynasty) came to Earth, they unplugged a portion of our DNA, leaving us with two strands.¹

The Sirian Overlords (Anu dynasty) did NOT create us; the Divine Mother did. They turned our lives upside down after they messed with our DNA. The Sirians unplugged our DNA because we were too intelligent and evolved.¹

Furthermore, the Sirian Overlords separated some of our DNA strands and left us with only two strands. As a result, we were no longer multidimensional and became their slaves. ¹

We do not remember who we are and forget that the Divine Mother created us. We fell for the lies the Sirians told us that they were the creator gods.

They told us to war-ship a man and pretended as if the Divine Mother did not exist. We lost our memories, so it was easy to trick us.

People are walking around, thinking a man created them, and when you tell them the truth, they look at you like you are crazy. Imagine coming from your mother’s womb at this stage of the game and still thinking you came from a man’s rib. Wow!

So, back to the hidden key that is inside of us. The original creators placed a key within us. We can access the key via the “Rites of Sacred Ecstasy.”¹

However, only the wombs can access that fire, and that’s what the Sirian Overlords are after. That’s why they rape and torture the wombs. They are looking for the key.¹

Inanna and the Divine Feminine—Part 1

Orion Empire

According to Wes Penre, Zecharia Sitchin misinterpreted the tablet about Inanna. “Inanna Returns” by V.S. Ferguson presents a more accurate view of the goddess Inanna. Many people have a negative view of Inanna because of Sitchin’s misinterpretations.  

Here are the lies told about Inanna:

  1. She’s a prostitute
  2. Her temples were whore houses
  3. She devoured men
  4. She’s evil
  5. She started transgenderism

In the book Inanna Returns by V.S. Ferguson, Marduk³ demonized Inanna, so I would not be surprised if word got around to Zecharia Sitchin. Sitchin falsified many stories, so I would not put anything past him.

Don’t forget that the Sirians did not want females to practice the Divine Feminine. Inanna was familiar with the Divine Feminine and taught it in her temples to those who wanted to learn. Some of the male Sirian Overlords were not pleased because they wanted to control the womb.

Here’s a quote taken from “Inanna Returns:”

Orion Empire

Based on Wes Penre’s research, Zecharia Sitchin spoke of Inanna as if she was the whore of the town. Plus, Sitchin said Inanna was a warrior and other harmful stuff.

He had nothing positive to say about Inanna, yet I found a book (Inanna Returns) that listed Inanna’s accomplishments.

Here are some other unfavorable details of Inanna that Sitchin wrote: ¹

  1. She slept with anyone who had a phallus
  2. Opened up a whorehouse and was a participant
  3. She killed her lover after sex
  4. Merciless war goddess
  5. Her primary attention was on power and sex

Penre said the myth of the “Black Widow” probably stemmed from the lies Sitchin told of Inanna killing her lovers after sex.

Factually, Black Widow spiders kill their mates after getting pregnant. Inanna did no such thing. I’m thankful others read the tablets themselves and realized something was dreadfully wrong.

Inanna and the Divine Feminine—Part 2

According to Wes Penre, Inanna is a title that comes from the word ‘AYA.NA,’ which means an extension of the mother.

The Sirian Overlords demonized Inanna to scare the wombs away from accessing the Divine Feminine, the fire within them that makes them super powerful. Yaaaas! The Sirian Overlords are afraid of the womb accessing the energy because it threatens patriarchy.

Per Wes Penre, Anton Parks had a more favorable view of Inanna. Parks said that Sitchin misinterpreted the Sumerian tablets regarding Inanna.

Further research by Anton Parks stated that Inanna was a staunch supporter of the “Cult of the Mother Goddess,” and the patriarchal rulers of Earth hated Inanna for that very reason. ¹

Inanna created temples to teach the “Divine Feminine” and got praises from King Anu and Enlil. Wes Penre stated that Anton Parks saw where Sitchin got confused.¹

Uruk was Inanna’s domain, and it translates to mean “City of Prostitutes and Daughters of Joy.” The Latin word for “prostitution” means “to put up for sale” or “to place forward.” ¹

The original intent did not mean “charging men for sex or feeding sex-hungry men.” Inanna used her temples to teach men and the wombs about “Sacred Sex.”¹

It had nothing to do with how the earthlings view sex and nothing to do with prostitution as people view it in the current day. The people Inanna taught “Sacred Sex” knew nothing of how to achieve it. ¹

A thought just came to me

Orion Empire

Burning question: Since the Mother Goddess is psychic, did she know the men would compete with the womb? If so, is that the reason why she created the Divine Feminine?

I think she wanted to give the wombs a fair chance to defend themselves if attacked by the males.

It seems plausible since only the womb can access the Divine Feminine (Raw energy of the Mother Goddess). It’s kind of a way to have a private moment with the Mother Goddess.

Think of it as having a one-on-one talk with your mother. In my head, I can hear the Mother Goddess saying, “It’s okay, baby; here’s a weapon you can use to fight the men if they become violent.”

Unfortunately, the wombs have forgotten their power because of patriarchy and memory loss. The males continuously rape and torture the wombs and children in hopes of accessing the “Raw energy of the Mother Goddess” or the Divine Feminine.


The article, the second in a series, discussed the Mother Goddess, her role in the Orion Empire, and the significance of the Divine Feminine.

She started her creation with the Aryan reptile. The Orion Empire conquered more worlds, and females played a huge role in the Queen’s court.

The Sirians took over and demonized the Divine Feminine, and they are super scared of the power it wields. Moreover, they lied to us and told us a man created us and encouraged us to war-ship a man.

Link to Part 1 of the article series

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Reference 1

¹ “Second Level of Learning” by Wes Penre  https://wespenre.com/contents-of-the-second-level-of-learning/

Reference 2

² “Michael Tsarion—the Feminine”  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gO4wQPXzlf0

Reference 3

³ “Marduk”  https://x.com/AnnePrep4/status/1792675029160739128

Reference 4

“The Feminine Universe—Elohim as Feminine Life Designers” by Anton Parks  https://thetruthisthelight.home.blog/2020/09/07/the-femine-universe-elohim-as-feminine-life-designers/

Reference 5

  Sound, Vibration and Sand   https://youtu.be/tFAcYruShow?si=8qjDYPmXO25oF7QF

Reference 6

“Inanna Returns” by V.S. Ferguson—P. 62

Reference 7

Amazon Warriors of Bellatrix  https://www.britannica.com/place/ Bellatrix

Photo Credits:

Did they replace the Mother Goddess?  Image by Natalia Price   https://www.pinterest.com/nataliaprice1/

Feminine terms switched to masculine  Female image by Donna Murphy Vallèe  https://www.pinterest.com/dpvallee/africanart/

Male image by iGraphix I Graphic Designer I AI artist  https://www.pinterest.jp/igfxart/

How significant is the Divine Feminine?  Image by Murla Liburd  https://www.pinterest.co.uk/foxymurla/art/

Divine Feminine—a threat to patriarchy Part 1 Image by Innazimovec   https://www.redbubble.com/people/innazimovec/shop

 Other image credits  https://unsplash.com/   

About AnneElBey™

Anne El Bey is a freelance writer, specializing in copywriting, editing, and blogging. She also writes content, product descriptions, SEO blogs and more. To read more about Anne El Bey, please visit her website: http://www.anneelbeycopywriter.net.

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