
Osiris: Did Someone Usurp his Name and Legacy?

Did someone usurp the name Osiris and his legacy? I had to do more research to get to the bottom of the story of Osiris and do a separate article. The entire story of Isis and Osiris left me asking questions.


After I got up this morning, February 6, 2024, I got a message, so I had to dig deeper into the Osiris story. Something about Osiris’ story connecting to Isis sounded fishy, so I dug deeper. 

It has always been about Osiris—Part 1


The Isis and Osiris story has always been about Osiris, but we needed to connect the dots. However, Osiris was a means to an end. I will go as far as saying the oral story they created for Isis came from Marduk, and he used Osiris’ name to come up with Isis. Look at Osiris’ name—O-Si-Ris.

The information came to me after waking up this morning, February 6, 2024, Gregorian calendar. I had Angelic Guidance to help me write the article “Divine Mother or Great Mother of Earth & Other Era.”

So, take a good look at the name Osiris (O-Si-Ris). I surmised Marduk created the name ISIS from Osiris. Keep in mind. Marduk adopted Osiris to usurp his name and title, per the book “They Lived before Adam” by Catherine Obianuju Acholonu. ¹

There is a shocking plot twist further into my story.

The story of Osiris and Isis is an oral story they passed down. The question is, “Who created the oral story?” You can start by examining who adopted Osiris for the sole purpose of stealing his name and identity.  

Isis existed as Set per the book, “Freemasonry and the Hidden Goddess” by William Bond. ² The God Set, or Seth, comes from Satan, and she was initially female but not evil.

Another meaning of Set in Egyptian is “Queen” or “Princess,” and Au set (another name for Isis) means “Exceeding Queen.” Please read Divine Mother or Great Mother of Earth & Other Era for a more detailed explanation.

Marduk created Isis from Osiris to keep his story straight because Isis has a brother named Set, which would have confused the story. Besides, the story is already confusing and all kinds of crazy.

It has always been about Osiris—Part 2

Marduk needed others in the story to make the biography of Isis and Osiris more convincing, so he conjured up Thoth. He created Thoth under the title of “Ra,” which he stole from Osiris. In other words, Thoth is a figment of Marduk’s (Ra’s) imagination.

Marduk took a page out of Inanna’s book and worked it in his favor. Inanna knew that the Anu dynasty had redacted our DNA, so she taught the earthlings to master their THOUGHTS (Thoth).

Are you getting it yet? Marduk used Inanna’s gift of “Thought/Thoth) to conjure Thoth (Thought). It has been steering us in the face the entire time.

Marduk had to create patriarchy to usurp Inanna/Ishtar’s position as Queen of Heaven and Earth. Therefore, he used Thoth (Thought), Isis, and Horus to evoke Yahushua.

Marduk made sure to point Yahushua out in the Torah by telling us to ditch the King James Version of the Bible and get the Torah.

Read “Divine Mother or Great Mother of Earth & Other Era.” to get the full scope of Yahushua.

But first, Marduk had to flesh out the story of Isis and Osiris. Before going further, let’s delve into Thoth (thought). Thoth (Thought) is Marduk’s alter ego.

Marduk has been playing games with our heads since day one. Oh, my goodness, gracious peace! I looked up the etymology of Thoth, and here are some of my discoveries.  

I bypassed who Thoth is and went directly to what the name means. Here’s the 1st one:


In the above definition, they associate Thoth (Thought) with Hermes, the god of science and art. Get this: Hermes is Zeus’ son, and Zeus is also one of Marduk’s titles. Since Zeus is another alter ego of Marduk, so are Hermes and Thoth (Thought).

It has always been about Osiris—Part 3



I pulled the ones from the definition that applies to Thoth: The name of the archon of Athens who laid down a code of laws for Athens and was “Sharp-sighted.”

According to research, Thoth created religion, law, math, science, writing, and other well-informed ideas. 



Based on the definition of overcome, Thoth assisted Horus after he lost his eye in battle with Seth. He has also used magic to help Isis while she was on the run with Horus.

You can go to etymology online for the other definitions. The point I’m making is the definitions lead back to Thoth’s (Thought’s) character.

Based on the “Egyptian God Thoth ³ research, here are the myths surrounding Thoth’s birth: Thoth was born during a struggle for the throne of a unified Egypt.

In another myth, Thoth was born from the forehead of Set. In the same article, one story stated that Thoth (Thought) created himself. He willed himself into existence by talking.

Here’s a myth that lines up with Marduk being Thoth’s (Thought’s) father. Thoth (Thought) had no mother, but Ra (Marduk) fathered him.

Ra supposedly birthed Thoth (Thought) from his lips. I’m laughing as I type this. Why? When you lift your lips to utter sounds, what comes out? Is it not a Thoth—thought form?

As I dig further into the mysterious story of Osiris, he and his entire bloodline are questionable, and there are other questions.

My thoughts are Marduk created an entire dynasty out of his head for the sole purpose of usurping Inanna (Queen of Heaven and Earth) to introduce patriarchy.

Osiris’ Parents and Other Questions


My first concern is Shu and Tefnut. Their children are Nut and Geb, and Nut and Geb begat Osiris. According to Britannica, Atum, aka Marduk, created Shu and Tefnut without the aid of a woman.

Another version from Wikipedia stated Marduk (Ra) or Atum created them by masturbating or spitting. Look in the Reference section at the bottom of the article for several of Marduk’s names or titles. He did many questionable things under different titles or names.

I have never heard of a man creating life by masturbating or spitting. Men cannot create life, and that’s a well-known fact. On the other hand, women can give birth without the aid of a man; they call it parthenogenesis.

If Shu and Tefnut are figments of Marduk’s imagination, the entire bloodline is a setup. Men CANNOT give birth by masturbating or spitting. Shu and Tefnut begat Nut and Geb, Nut and Get begat Osiris, Isis, Set, Nephthys, and Horus the elder.  

One of Marduk’s famous phrases is, “You don’t know who I am.” Many do NOT know who he is because he uses various titles based on his agenda. When telling the story of Osiris, he’s “Ra,” the sun god.  

Despite my thoughts, I had to write the story based on research when I wrote “Divine Mother or Great Mother of Earth & Other Era.”

Now that I’m delving deeper into the story because of unanswered questions, I can voice my concerns. I did voice some of my concerns in the commentary of the article.

Marduk copied/pasted everything from Sumer to create his posse in Kmet. Everyone is hyped over Egypt when Sumer has a far richer Story, and they were not the result of masturbation. Even the Ennead is a copy/paste of Sumer and the nine Enneads.

Marduk is the only real one in the bunch, but he passes himself off as “Ra,” which is imaginary if you want to get technical. I have to conclude that most of Kmet’s Her Story is fictitious, at least the ones Marduk conjured.


I thought of writing another lengthy article, but it was a wrap when I realized the characters were a figment of Marduk’s (Ra’s) imagination. What else is there to say?

No, men cannot give birth via masturbation. I have never heard of a baby coming from a man’s forehead, much less his lips or from his saliva.

Reference 1

¹ “They Lived before Adam” by Catherine Obianuju Acholonu Via excerpt titled “0siris and Isis – God and Goddess of Nubia: matching the testimony of Edgar Cayce with ancient Nigerian mythology” P.3 PDF version

Reference 2

² “Freemasonry and the Hidden Goddess” by William Bond [P. 50—PDF Version]

Reference 3

³ “Egyptian God Thoth | Emerald Tablets, Symbol & Quotes”


Reference 4

Shu & Tefnut


Reference 5



Reference 6



Reference 7

Marduk (Other names, titles & Alter Egos)—shortlist. He has a lot more.


Reference 8

Images: Unsplash.com, except for the one under subhead: It has always been about Osiris—Part 1

About AnneElBey™

Anne El Bey is a freelance writer, specializing in copywriting, editing, and blogging. She also writes content, product descriptions, SEO blogs and more. To read more about Anne El Bey, please visit her website: http://www.anneelbeycopywriter.net.

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