How did the slaughtering of the Moors (so-called Blacks) become a Thanksgiving day celebration? People walk around wishing each other “Happy Thanksgiving” without knowing the full meaning behind the festivities. After reading this article, will you feel the same way about Thanksgiving?
Prophet Noble Drew Ali on Thanksgiving
In a letter from Noble Drew Ali, below, titled, “Thanksgiving for whom,” Drew Ali stated you are celebrating the slaughtering of your ancestors, the Moors. Noble Drew Ali¹ founded the Moorish Science Temple of America and was considered a prophet among his followers. Moors² (dark-skinned people) are the original priests, prophets, and missionaries with high nobility.
In 1491, Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand rejoiced over their victory, defeating the moors who occupied Spain for over 700 years. On November 25, 1941, the Pope of Rome proclaimed that day, Thanksgiving for the European Christians. The celebration was crucial because the Moors, misnomer as “Blacks,” surrendered their last stronghold, the city of Granada. The so-called Blacks of Granada (Moors) initially came from Africa, Spain, and Arabia. The Moorish Empire crumbled as a result.
The victor drove the so-called Blacks into Morocco and further into West Africa and later betrayed them. They captured the Moors and sold them to America as slaves. Christian European forces hated the so-called Blacks and called them “Turkeys.” They described the moors as wild and heathen, and enemies of the Christian Europeans.
The Pope of Rome put forth a proclamation to murder the Moors, who refused to convert to Christianity. He later teamed up with Queen Isabella Sent Cardinal Ximenos of Spain to enforce the Proclamation if any so-called Blacks resisted.
You are celebrating the fall of the Moorish Empire and the slaughtering of the Moors (so-called Blacks) when you celebrate Thanksgiving. The slaughter led to the rise of European power and government. Is it not ironic they called you “Turkey,” yet you kill a bird by the same name to celebrate the slaughtering of the Moors, your forefathers?
Letter from Noble Drew Ali:

Moors once conquered almost all of Iberian Peninsula
In an article written by David Walbert³ the Europeans did not know North and South America existed. Spain had controlled two continents by 1550 that turned out to be the most powerful in Europe. Please note, Spain had not existed a century earlier. Due to brutal conquests and brave explorations, America and Europe were never the same.
The Moors (Berber Muslims) had conquered almost all of the Iberian Peninsula in the early 700s. The Iberian Peninsula is a piece of land that extends out of Southwestern Europe into the Atlantic Ocean. It had three kingdoms: Aragon, Portugal, and Castile. Seven and a half centuries had passed as the Christians to the north regained control of the peninsula.
By 1300, the Muslims only had control of Granada, which is a small region in the southern part of Spain. It was not until 1492 the Reconquest or Reconquista completed. Queen Isabella of Castile and King Ferdinand II of Aragon united the kingdoms by marriage in 1479. Thirteen years later, their armies expelled the Muslims (Moors) from Granada.
Because of the strong Christian faith in the region, the Reconquista was a brutal conflict. It was a war between kingdoms and a crusade against non-Christians. At the time, Christians and Jews had religious freedom. Anyone who rejected Christianity became an enemy. The soldiers who fought in the Reconquista felt superior to anyone who had rejected Christianity. As a result, anyone captured became slaves for being non-Christians.
Treaty of Granada-1491
On November 25, 1491, Queen Isabella, King Ferdinand II⁴ and Boabdil,⁵ the sultan of Granada, signed and ratified the treaty⁶ that ended the Granada War.⁷ The war had started in 1482 and ended in the spring of 1491. The treaty brought about a short truce, resulting in the relinquishment of control by the Moors in January of 1492. Under the agreement, so-called Blacks had several guaranteed rights such as religious tolerance and fair treatment, resulting in their surrender of Granada.
Further down the road, Catholics insisted so-called Blacks convert to Christianity or get expelled. The conflict triggered an uprising⁸ by the Moors in 1500. In turn, the Catholics argued so-called Blacks had violated the treaty, so they revoked the provisions of the treaty.
Slaughtering Moors and Tricking them
As you can see, Thanksgiving has nothing to do with the Pilgrims. It has to do with the hatred of a group of people who refused to convert to Christianity. While you are celebrating Thanksgiving, your enemy is laughing in your face, saying, “Got ya!” European Christians forced your ancestors into Christianity after the slaughtering of the so-called Blacks.
The oppressors named the Moors who converted to Christians Moriscos, Negroes, Blackamoors, coloreds, infidels, and slaves. The European Christians ordered so-called Blacks to give up their native dress and hats worn. Plus, the European Christians wanted the Moors to give up bathing because the Christians regarded it as sinful. It was terrible so-called Blacks had to give up their clothes and headdress. Now, so-called Blacks had to renounce their Asiatic and African languages along with ancient customs and ceremonies.
The European Christians ordered the Moors to adopt the holy days and celebration of the Roman Catholic Church. Plus, so-called Blacks took European Christian names and behaved like the Europeans. The Catholics closed down the Mosques and burned Moorish writings. Failure to comply resulted in the slaughtering of your ancestors.
Thanksgiving Day is a celebration for the European Christians who raped and murdered your ancestors along with their children. They enslaved the so-called Blacks who disobeyed, and now you disgrace your ancestors and celebrate their massacre in the name of Thanksgiving? It is now 2019, and the majority of the people are clueless about their Moorish or so-called Black history. Thanksgiving is nothing more than the celebration of the slaughtering of so-called Blacks.
- Noble Drew Ali
- Moors
- David Walbert
- Queen Isabella, King Ferdinand II
- Boabdil
- Treaty of 1491
- Granada War
- Morisco Revolt–71)/
What a wonderful post you have written, thanks for sharing!
Thank you for the feedback.
This is not the truth about Thanksgiving. This might have happened on Thanksgiving, but this is not what people celebrate. And the people who tricked the Moors and killed them were not Christians they were strictly Catholics b/c the Protestants [Christians], and Jews were persecuted too. I would recommended checking your facts before you post a very opinionated article.
I suggest U do UR research, sir. How much do U know about the Moors?
This article was not written by Noble Drew Ali. This essay appears in a book called “Come Out of Her, My People” published in 1977. Even the language is the same with the exception of a couple of words changed.
Good righteous research tells a lot like treaties which was written.
Treaty of Granada (1491) was made b/c Christians was eating us Moors giving you today ThanksGiving eating Turks aka Turkey.
Prophet Noble Drew Ali did say wear turban & fez, he didn’t but fact remains so many ignore this but quick to quote that he didn’t.
Spirit of Truth like breath being unseen this about seeking and study of self and opinions like dirty onions.
1st and foremost, I don’t plagiarize my articles. I paraphrase them and post my source. I paraphrased what Drew Ali had said, and then I posted my source.
Disobedient behavior shows these empty vessels don’t see and will not see ELOHYIM.
You know what’s up! Keep ur composure.. Thanks.